Social Media Marketing for Hotels: the winning strategies for obtaining direct bookings

In previous articles we have defined what are the pieces of the puzzle that makes up our web marketing strategy, going to explain:

  • the importance of a content marketing strategy to create high quality content;
  • the role of emails to increase direct bookings;

In this article we will list what are the guidelines to be followed to try to attract visitors through social networks using them as an advertising vehicle, both to position and strengthen their brand.

On which social networks should an hotel aim?

Before starting to talk about a latent demand, editorial planning and advanced advertising strategies, we need to understand which social networks we need to focus on in order to increase the visibility of our accommodation.

Some think it is enough to create their own profile on all possible and imaginable social networks (Wikipedia lists 206), publish some content and wait for customers that decide to book. I anticipate that unfortunately that does not work especially because not all platforms are suitable for advertising and launching a hotel.

To give a trivial example, a platform like Twitter is less suitable than Instagram, this not only for the number of users (7 million Twitter against 16 million Instagram) but because Twitter is mainly suitable for “microblogging”, while on Instagram you can share “experiences”, and experiences are the keystone in the travel industry.

Of course if the goal is to use social media as an advertising bill on which to camp their offer, it is clear that what makes available the largest audience is obviously Facebook. Following we can find Instagram , that is the social network of millennials and finally we have to pay attention also to Google+, which even if it is a desert from the point of view of the community is very useful from the SEO viewpoint.

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