Electronic invoicing

Electronic invoicing management and telematic fees for hotels​

Fatturazione Elettronica in Hotel

Slope’s PMS allows the hotelier to manage electronic fees by supporting integration with telematic recorders.

It is also possible to generate and issue electronic invoices in XML format with a few clicks and without the need for additional software.
Manage the accounting and keep track of each tax document ​
Simplify the sending of electronic payments
Stampante fiscale Epson integrato con software Slope

Management of electronic fees and integration with electronic recorders

Slope automates the addressing of electronic fees and simplifies work in the facility.
The Slope software is integrated with the main telematic recorders, so you can connect the receiver to your Slope account and send the print order directly from the document issue page.

How electronic invoicing works with Slope

Issuing a tax document for a reservation is very easy, just access the detail of the reservation directly in the PMS, insert the customer data and his identification code or PEC. Slope will take care of the rest.

Dettaglio prenotazione Slope
Esempio creazione fattura in hotel

Generating and sending electronic invoices in XML format is easy and immediate

Slope makes use of AgID certified partners for compliance with the law of sending, receiving and saving tax documents.